1138 w/M4 ADAPTOR / EMOD



Για την αγορά ενός Αεροβόλου Airsoft, ο υποψήφιος αγοραστής πρέπει να έχει κλείσει το 18ο έτος της ηλικίας του και να το πιστοποιεί με την επίδειξη της Αστυνομικής του Ταυτότητας. (Για αγορές μέσω του e-shop ο αγοραστής θα πρέπει να μας στείλει μέσω email την ταυτότητά του).
Κωδικός προϊόντος: JG-1138 Κατηγορία: Brand: Jing Gong (China)

Automatic electric airsoft gun (AEG).  Replica of model [G608-6] from Jing Gong. Just like the real weapon this weapon is from most part made from quality ABS plastic. Maybe a little bit from the hybrid  is different from standard 36 at first glance, magazine shaft magazine M16/M4 and a telescopic stock type VLTOR emodi (7 setting positions). Top carrying handle offers long RIS rail for easy mounting of various scope and red dots. Shorter RIS handguard rail to the metal and allows the use of any tactical accessories.


Metal reinforced Gearbox v. 3 contains a basic metal gears, metal sliding bearings 7 mm, plastic spring guide without bearing, brass cylinder, spring at M120, plastic cylinder head and vacuum piston head. In the base it will even hold a good solution for Hop-Up chamber (plastic) and barrel without additional finishes an internal diameter of 6.08 mm. Includes a charger, battery MINI 8.4V/1100mAh (small connector), cleaning rod to clean the barrel and Wind Up Hi-cap Magazine 300rds.


Overall Length 805mm/705mm (Stock Folded)
Weight (Including Battery) 3020g
Barrel Length 256.5mm
Magazine Capacity 300rds
Velocity(use 0.2g 6mm BB bullet)340-370FPS
Battery(NiMh) 8.4V, 1100mAh


Battery and charger included

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